ULTRASOUND SOLUTIONS CORP. is pleased to present Ilene Corina and Kyle Schuessler from the Pulse Center for Patient Safety Education and Advocacy, for a discussion on how to better communicate with the transgender patient.
Please join us on Wednesday, October 14th, 2020, 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM (EDT) for this informative, free virtual event.
Topic: The Elephant in the Room – Meeting and Caring for the Transgender Patient (Approved for 1 SDMS CME credit)
Meeting and Caring for the Transgender Patient Course Description:
One key step to improving the healthcare experience for someone who is transgender involves educating the healthcare provider on how to speak to the transgender individual. This one-hour presentation will focus on making the sonographer more knowledgeable on how to address and receive patients who describe themselves as transgender as well as how to interact with dignity, respect, and compassion. Beyond making sonographers more familiar with transgender terminology and etiquette, facts and studies will be addressed.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this educational activity, the participant will be able to:
- Describe what it means to be transgender
- Discuss how to meet and greet someone who describes themselves as transgender
- Apply appropriate terminology when discussing transgender issues and identification
About Our Speakers:
Ilene Corina, BCPA is a patient safety advocate and consultant who has been working with the community for the purpose of improving patient safety for over 20 years. She is the President and Founder of the Pulse Center for Patient Safety Education & Advocacy.
Ilene has been involved with several organizations with focuses on disseminating strategies to improve patient safety and health education. Her positions have included being a board member of the National Patient Safety Foundation, co-chair of the Patient and Family Advisory Council, and board member of the Joint Commission.
With a team of patient advocates, Ilene focuses on vulnerable populations and patient safety diversity, and has traveled nationally presenting “The Elephant in the Room, Dispelling the Myth About Being Transgender”.
Kyle W. Schuessler, BS is a volunteer safety advocate for the transgender community working with the Pulse Center for Patient Safety Education and Advocacy. Working with other advocates, Kyle has helped develop a curriculum for medical professionals on how to best assist people who are transgender before, during, and after their transition. Kyle has been chosen to speak at conferences at healthcare facilities and for community groups, using his personal experiences and skills to educate staff as well as support transgender individuals in their journey.
In addition to his volunteer activities through the Pulse Center and as a Paramedic with his local ambulance corp, Kyle is currently employed at North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset as a Telemetry Technician with a specialty in recognizing lethal and non-lethal ECG arrhythmias; phlebotomy; and direct patient care.
Be sure to stay up to date on all of our CME events!