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Ultrasound Physics Refresher Course with Dr. Traci Fox

To welcome in the New Year, USC is hosting our Physics Refresher & Ultrasound Medley weekend course on Saturday, January 11th and Sunday, January 12th, 2020! Our speaker will be the amazing Dr. Traci Fox, from Thomas Jefferson University. Click here for full course details and registration information. This course has been approved for up to a maximum of 13 SDMS CME credits.

The all-day Physics Refresher component will be on Saturday, January 11th  – this is the perfect prep for anyone you know who plans on taking the ARDMS SPI Exam, or, if you just want to brush up on your Physics basics, improve your understanding, and apply this knowledge to improve your daily scanning.

Then, Traci will do a 1/2 day session on Sunday, January 12th covering a hodgepodge of topics in Breast, Liver Elastography & Contrast, OB, and Vascular.

You can sign up for either Saturday ONLY, Sunday ONLY, or BOTH Saturday & Sunday. We are even offering students a discounted price!

Keep in mind that the deadline to register is Friday, January 3, 2020 – so sign up before you get side-tracked by the bustling frenzy of the holiday season.  Please feel free to share our course information with your Sonography network (especially students and graduates) to help spread the word about this exciting event!

Remember to keep checking our Continuing Education page for new courses and registration information!