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Planmed Verity ® – 3D CT Scanner

The Planmed Verity® is a point-of-care extremity CT scanner that provides high-quality 3D images with a low dose. The design of the Verity® is driven by the design philosophy of Planmed – maximized ergonomics and comfort for both patient and user.

The Original Weight-Bearing CT Scanner

The Planmed Verity® is the original weight-bearing CT. A 3D weight-bearing image of a knee, ankle, foot and toes under natural load can reveal problems that are otherwise non-detectable. The versatile patient positioning options of the Verity®, combined with advanced imaging algorithms, allow for effortless imaging.

extremity CT scanner

3D weight-bearing imaging solves the challenges of projection differences and overlapping structures. The anatomy is shown in a naturally occurring position and can better reveal joint space narrowing and other conditions that may not be visible through conventional diagnostic means. Extremity CT is currently the only technology able to produce 3D imaging data of the anatomy under real, weight-bearing conditions.

See the Planmed Verity ®


  • Stand-alone imaging unit with an integrated touchscreen-equipped workstation for image acquisition and reconstruction, as well as managing studies.
  • Motorized gantry with adjustable height and tilt for relaxed patient positioning.
  • Compact and mobile, easy to move and install
  • Low dose imaging – The innovative Planmeca Ultra Low Dose™ imaging protocol allows reducing the Planmed Verity® scanner’s already low effective patient doses by 50% without compromising diagnostic image quality. The unique and pioneering imaging protocol is based on Planmeca’s intelligent 3D algorithms.
  • Available in seven vibrant colors