Innovation meets portability with Alpinion E-Cube i7. Offering a powerful and stable cart-based system architecture and a breakthrough design with a sliding keyboard cover, the E-Cube i7 delivers excellent image performance and comfort. From bedside to procedure room, the Alpinion E-Cube i7 provides ease-of-use and workflow efficiency.
The Alpinion E-Cube i7 features all of the advantages of a cart-based system in an innovative portable ultrasound system.
Crystal Signature™ , Alpinion’s world leading single crystal technology, provides higher sensitivity, better penetration, and less heat degradation than traditional PZT materials. With its single crystal phased array transducers (SP1-5T, SP3-8T), the Alpinion E-Cube i7 fully supports various diagnosis.
Optimal Imaging Suite™ is Alpinion’s integrated image post-processing software set and provides better border definition and increased contrast resolution by reducing artifacts, while maintaining true tissue appearance.
Complete patient care with a full suite of imaging software technologies and transducers.
More than 80% of sonographers experience work-related pain and more than 20% of these sonographers suffer a career-ending injury. The E-CUBE i7’s user-centered design provides a solution for users who suffer inevitable wrist pain. The unique sliding keyboard cover and the keyboard placement allow better support to a user’s arms and wrists when typing.
More than 80% of sonographers experience work-related pain and more than 20% of these sonographers suffer a career-ending injury. The E-CUBE i7’s user-centered design provides a solution for users who suffer inevitable wrist pain. The unique sliding keyboard cover and the keyboard placement allow better support to a user’s arms and wrists when typing.